Thermaround exterior round insulated spiral ductwork

Coastal Hospital Facility Chooses Corrosion Resistant Thermaround Preinsulated Outdoor Ductwork

In coastal areas across the country, HVAC equipment is subjected to environmental conditions from salt spray and other natural conditions experienced near the ocean. This creates levels of corrosion that is not experienced in other areas of the country. For outdoor ductwork corrosion can damage not only the ductwork itself, but open up areas for water intrusion that will destroy the R-value of open cell liners.

Located within one mile of the Oregon Coast, the ductwork on site this Oregon healthcare facility was exposed to high levels of salt in the air. When it came time to replace a portion of their PCD coated spiral ductwork, the staff chose Thermaround to give their new ductwork an extra level of corrosion resistance and avoid future headaches with our corrosion resistant vinyl cladding.

This application called for replacement of over 250 linear feet of failed ductwork. Thermaround’s 1000 micron, UV stable vinyl cladding was a natural choice for its resistance to the salt spray corrosion previously experienced.

thermaround insulated spiral ductwork
preinsulated round ductwork outdoors
Thermaduct Outdoor Insulated Round Ductwork
corrosion resistant outdoor ductwork

While the exterior of the duct was the selling point, the benefits didn’t stop there for this coastal hospital. With Thermaround’s fiber free aluminum interior, the hospital staff can rest easy with a higher performance and healthy duct system that will not support mold growth. All of this was packaged in an R-12 closed cell insulation for exceptionally low thermal transfer. This hospital didn’t just get corrosion resistant ductwork when they purchased Thermaround, they purchased a high efficiency duct system.

To find out more about how you can use Thermaduct’s family of high efficiency air distribution systems including those for the indoors, talk to your local Thermaduct representative or contact us.

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